What's this all about? Toilet paper and dinner? Yes, it's true! We ordered dinner from Duckworth's in Ballantyne and when we got home, we had 2 rolls of toilet paper with our dinners. That was a nice surprise! Thankfully, we haven't needed to buy toilet paper because we usually buy the mega packs from BJ's and we had just bought one in early March (and yes, it's lasted this long). We still have about 7 rolls left.
So what's going on in the world? Well, by Sunday, our local news says that 43 states will have either partially or fully re-opened. NC is entering Phase I of re-opening beginning Friday at 5 PM. I was incorrect in my last blog post about restaurants opening back up. Bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, and salons will remained closed through Phase I. Doctor offices are opening back up for certain services.
Antibody testing is now out but the CDC is warning people about fraudulent tests. The World Health Organization also says that we are in for a second wave of Coronavirus cases. I haven't watched CNN in a while because I've been so busy at work this week, but I've heard talk of heard immunity, which is where we open things back up and more people will become ill faster, but the virus will make it's way through the community faster. I have mixed emotions about it, but if I'm scared, I'll stay home. It's that simple (unless I have to go somewhere). I will continue to protect Emily the best I can by keeping her home.
As far as school, CMS announced this week that students will receive a pass or withdraw from their classes. It makes me sad since Emily was on-track to make straight A's and has really been working hard on the ungodly amount of work she's been given with remote learning. She starts high school next year and there is so much uncertainty. She wants to do marching band, but right now, will there even be school next year? Emily was told CMS will start two weeks later because of the Republican National Convention, but will that even still happen?
The NFL is releasing their 17 week schedule and plans on having games with no fans. Can you imagine watching football with no fans cheering? Will it just be silent? The same thing is true for most sporting events. We watched on the news tonight where people who attend a ballet will sit 6 feet apart and while they are standing in line, they will be 6 feet apart. Is this our new norm? If so, how long will it last? I know people are eager to get out and do things, but it seems like it's going to be more of a hassle than anything. We have to still support businesses; this will be where the strongest businesses survive. Beetlejuice has announced they are cancelling any further shows. It's one of Emily's favorite musicals, so of course, this was sad news to her.
How's my health? Well, I went two days without my inhalers and nose-sprays because of the weird symptoms I was having. My doctor says she does not think the symptoms were medication-related and I should resume taking them, so I started taking them again yesterday. Today, at work during a meeting, my cough returned. I've felt like I've had a tickle in the back of my throat since, but thankfully I'm not coughing tonight. I'm beginning to think something at work is making me cough since that is when I seem to be coughing the most. I've had to go into work everyday this week to help my boss with a training for our managers and leads. Today I had to lead the training. I'm hoping to work from home tomorrow. I have a few meetings and a webinar.
My shoulder pain in pretty intense and my knee throbs at times, but the shooting pain through the kneecap is what's bothersome. I ignore the pain because my therapist says it won't hurt me, even though it may hurt. I'm going to continue on with trying to stay active. I was a little upset that OrthoCarolina sent an email yesterday (May 5th) saying that they were reopening on May 4th, so by the time I called to make my appointment, my therapist was already booked. I would think he would have let me know about the re-opening. So, hopefully, Friday will be my last tele-health appointment; however, I read on their website that all patients have to wear masks in the clinic. I can't breathe with one on, so I will probably opt to keep my appointments online until they lift that restriction. I have not been in any stores that require masks because I feel like I'm suffocating with one on.
I need to stay active because all of my medications cause weight gain and because of that, I've gained 25 lbs since February. Unfortunately, I won't be coming off them anytime soon. I try to throw the softball or frisbee and take walks with Emily. It's been so rainy lately, we've hardly had time to get exercise in, but we seem to manage. On Monday, I threw the softball in the evening. Yesterday we took a walk during lunch and after work Emily and I threw the frisbee in the parking lot while we were waiting for our dinner. Tonight I went out and threw the softball. Emily didn't even get dressed today; must be nice!
The rest of my week is uneventful. Friday morning I have early PT, followed by a few meetings and an afternoon training. I just got a few Disney drawing books in the mail I've ordered, so I'm hoping to get in a little drawing this weekend. It's only 56-degrees right now and they are calling for patchy frost this weekend...burr. I might say in and wrap up in a blanket and watch my favorite movies. I know Harry will refuse to turn the heat on.
I think that's all I'm going to write for today. I'll post Coronavirus statistics in my next post. They were bringing me down, but I don't want to ignore them, so I'll post them for historical reasons.